TEMPERAMENT - Red Polls are famously gentle, inquisitive, docile and quiet. They are easier to handle than most breeds.
MODERATE SIZE - Red Poll cows average about 1200 pounds and bulls average about 1800 pounds. The breed's moderate size helps to make them easier to work with and reduces their environmental footprint.
MATERNAL EXCELLENCE - Red Poll cows are generally highly fertile, long lived and calve with ease, producing so much milk that their calves grow rapidly. They are good mothers.
GENETIC PREDICTABILITY - Red Polls tend to be genetically consistent and uniform. That means that bulls pass on traits for confirmation, feed conversion, small birth size and color - and also the dominant, polled gene. Red Polls are only distantly related to other breeds, therefore imparting considerable heterosis (hybrid vigor) when crossbred.
FEED EFFICIENCY - Excellent feed conversion means that Red Polls can thrive on grass fed systems or on marginal pasture, producing both milk and flavorful beef. Their meat is moderately marbled, low in cholesterol, fine grained and tender, with exceptional flavor.
The Red Poll Breed - What's So Good About Them?